Samantha A.

English, French, History, Math, Linear Algebra, Science, Chemistry, Physics, Biology, Philosophy, Writing, Homework, Elementary, Middle School, Secondary, Grade 12, High School Entrance Prep

Samantha is a versatile tutor who believes in creating a meaningful human connection with every student and to impact their academic path in a positive manner. She earned Honors distinction in Pure and Applied Sciences at Dawson College, by virtue of having attained an average of at least 85% in all courses, indicating a high level of engagement and commitment to her studies. This scholastic journey cultivated her interest in mathematics and science, with courses such as Linear Algebra and Biology. Due to her affinity for Humanities and Linguistics, Samantha is currently pursuing her undergraduate degree in Honors English Literature, with a minor in Creative Writing, at Concordia University. Her career ambitions include continuing to pursue a master’s and doctorate degree in the Classical Studies in order to later teach at a collegial or university level. She is multilingual; fluent in English, French and Greek. Samantha’s passions include painting, reading poetry, prose and fiction writing. Her tutoring experience ranges over four years, with students from elementary to collegial levels of study. She is a highly motivated and hardworking individual, who is passionate about improving workflow. Her tutoring techniques also include guiding students into better comprehension of school material through efficient organization.