Talia W.

English, French, Science, Chemistry, Physics, Biology, Writing, Homework, Elementary, Middle School, Secondary

After graduating from Dawson College in the Health Sciences program and receiving the honour letter every semester, Talia is now in her third year of the Occupational Therapy B SC program at McGill University in which she has maintained a cumulative GPA of 3.95. Talia is passionate about learning and sharing her knowledge with others. She has also developed an excellent work ethic that she hopes will encourage and motivate her students. Moreover, Talia has worked as a camp counselor for four summers which taught her creative ways to connect with and engage her campers. Lastly and most recently, Talia worked at ELNA paediatrics clinic as a physician’s assistant. which gave her a lot of experience interacting with children and young adolescents. Overall, Talia is enthusiastic to help educate and support her students!